Monday, June 8, 2009

Wild Irises

It seems the more I try to get outdoors to photograph the harder it becomes. Just shooting nature should be a simple task you would think. Unlike working with people who you can set an appointment for a certain day and time, after checking the calendar for conflicting schedules. Nature seems to be always there, so what makes getting out and capturing some of the beautiful light and colors so difficult? Its like visiting relatives who live right up the road from you. If they were 200 miles away you'd make an effort to go see them on a routine basis. But at least for me I tend to not stop and just visit nearby family and friends..... I'll include this in my list of "things to improve on".

Todays image is one I recently took in a small swamping area in Venango County. I need to look up its official name, but for now I'll just call it a wild iris. I've made it large enough that if you click on the picture you can then download it at a size of 1440 x 960 which should make for a nice desktop wallpaper. If you like them at this size I'll do more of them.

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