Friday, April 17, 2009

Strange Creatures of the Shallows

I visited the Transit Art Gallery located in the National Transit Building in Oil City today to check out the set up for my upcoming art exhibit in May. This building was once the home of Standard Oil Company and held the office of John D. Rockefeller. I got to meet Marilyn Karns who gave me a great tour of the Transit Gallery Building. I look forward to setting up and showing my work at the gallery.

On my way home I stopped by one of my favorite places to photograph. The Little Sandy Creek area along Reed Furnace Road near Raymilton a small village at a crossroads along the creek. I was getting some shots of the stream and surrounding locations when I discovered this rare bright green sobe lizard swimming in the shallows. He was very friendly and posed for me in a number of locations along the creek bank. When I left and got into my Jeep I looked down and noticed the little fellow had followed me back to the parking area. I didn't have the heart to leave him there and so he now sits on my desk as I type this blog tonite.

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